Eco drill ltd' has been founded by it's CEO Shaki noam as A drilling company that deal with environmental turf.
Over the years and due to company and workers specialization it has been decided to expand the scope of action and today eco drill does excavation with a specific technology that cause no damages to underground infrastructures as another turf of dealing.
The co-founder and ceo is in these profession for more than a decade which enquire him with long term experience and gave him the best knowledge there is today about drilling taking many courses and going through many certification needed in his turf all these and more allowing him to run the show.
Noam's idle thinking is that experience is the most precious resours a driller could have and therefor he is still on the site taking care of things going as best that is possible.
Eco-drill ltd holds knowledge and certification in "direct push technology in the next areas:
- Drilling
- Soil sampling
- Soil gas sampling
- Under ground water sampling
- Well installation
Our company has done many project's for many cusomers among the list are:
- Ministry of defense
- Idf
- Ministry of environment
- All oil company's
- Water authority
- Academic institute's
- Many consultant company's
And more…
The company has purchase the top of the world's gear, a brand new reliable equipment.
Together with the best technology exist and a highly profession workers the company is able to give a verity of services in soil sampling, soil gas sampling , underground water sampling and underground infrastructures excavating without causing any damage and more (in a respond for customer's demand\the ministry of environment demands )
Having allot of knowledge and experience in challenging drilling site's Eco-drill has the accessibility to small drilling site's including under sealing or rooftops or narrow passes. "we can get results from any site"
Eco drill ltd is a well known company in Israel giving services to all parts of the country for all meter if it is hard condition site or challenging drill's eco drill can do.
The company's beliefs are that a good product has to be delivered with good customer service and last has to join a professional workers delivering any customer's demands .
Now days while the publics awareness for environmental problems are developing eco drill is giving the best problem solving and quality product there is in Israel.
We invite you to contact us with any problem at any time !
Our highly profession team will act to solve any problem to your satisfactorily.